I am a published editor!

I am an Editor... In print!

I am an Editor… in print!

Today’s mail contained a fantastic surprise from Jeannie Tasker, all the way from California. Jeannie sent me my own copy of the new Yosemite book put out by the park & the conservancy celebrating 150 years of Yosemite National Park with 150 personal stories from visitors like you and me.

Browsing these stories again reminded me of the many evenings I spent reading the original submissions last winter. What will I do with all that time this winter? I am thinking of taking a class through Nicolet College. One night a week, 3 hours and if they assign homework… That would fill the time nicely. Will have to see how that goes with our schedule, We are hoping to travel in April and classes continue into May. But it’s time to get out meeting folks with some similar interests. Maybe a short course for a first time out instead of a full semester. There are plenty to choose from!



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