Epiphany or should I say Icepiphany?

Roof Raking in Action

This is how it’s done though I recommend a RED jacket if we have to find you under the snow

Nice word. I always kind of wondered if I would have one or not. Today I did.

I was roof raking, again pondering the sanity of it. Not quite getting why I am pulling the snow off the roof that isn’t causing the problem, its the snow above that is melting and refreezing. Then it suddenly hits me like a baseball bat upside the head… Duh. All the snow over the eaves is what turns into the block of ice that the snow above, when melted can’t get around and so heads up the roof, following the path of least resistance, up the shingles and into the house!

IciclesGet it? It took me a whole winter to figure this out and many roof shovelings too. Now that I get it, I shall be ever so much more vigilant, though perhaps too late for this year? I hope not!

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