Little Buddies

Boy and Dog snow play

Little buddies loving the snow

Every day we go out to play, take pictures, shovel walk ways, toss salt where needed and generally play in the snow. Today was no different in those tasks, but it was immensely better!

We Walked out on the ice a ways just to take some backwards photos of the property. Where we live seems pretty natural to us and I think it would be on a sled at night too, but the folks that visit are here on first trips and may not have that same confidence. I think I will give them a photo to identify us with.

On our way back we ran into our youngest guest. I had a little problem nailing his name too, but once i got it, I was charmed. Now Pretzel? He was a little standoffish, as he has been with new folks, but when our little guest started punching the snow Pretzel was enthralled. He started punching the snow himself, but with his snout. Funny! Funny! Without being intruisive and stagy, it was hard to get a great picture of them, playing, but it sure was made my day.

My 2013 Surprise Christmas

Christmas comes early in St. Germain

Neal and Victor. Merry Christmas from Jim & Sue!

I enjoyed an expected Christmas today. Our friend Jim hosted a holiday luncheon party at the  Den and invited many of the regulars to join him and his wife in a celebration of the season. It was a grand party, attended by a few very special people. The food was native to Jim’s childhood neighborhood in Michigan and delicious. He was even sensitive to my vegan diet. Thanks Jim.

The bar was open to our wildest choice of concoctions. I had beer. Victor did too. Then, Sue played Mrs. Santa and gifts came out for each of us. Incredibly, each was perfectlyl chosen for each of our personalities. I was so very touched. Hat, Scarf & Gloves. I immediately retired the unmatched and holed set to Victor. A beer brewing kit for a guy who loves to creat in the kitchen… Brilliant!

Cheers to Jim, Sue and all of our friends at the Den! You all rock.