Another Weather Post?

Double digit, Sub-zero Temperatures

Baby, It’s cold outside!

How boring can you get? Another weather post. Well, that’s what we have here, Remarkable Weather and I am remarking on it.

Today started out beautifully, stunning sunny day and crisp as can be. I layered up and went out too rescue the Dodge Dakota that I ‘parked” in a snow drift last night. The wind was crazily billowing the white stuff all over the place, such that I could hardly see. It also dropped it in all new places that I didn’t expect so turning around put me thigh deep in it and the truck wasn’t coming out so quick last night. Today with all this sunshine should be a different story.

The first time out my cheeks were colder than they have ever been. I think I froze my root canal fluid. I got my shoveling done and turned over the Dakota but did not get it out. When I came back inside Victor was just getting up and wanted to know how cold it was. I didn’t know the number for the cold and thought that was probably the best way to go about the day. Dress in the warmest you have an pray it’s enough.

Well, that wasn’t enough for him. He had to know the number. Me I don’t want to know. Sort of like my weight. When it doesn’t feel good, I don’t get on the scale. Oh, well, I look it up. -13. Do you know what that did for my day? Ended it. Totally ended it. I didn’t want to go out another time. I just wanted to curl up with a good book under the covers in the toasty loft. No such luck.

Now that we know the number (-13) we HAVE to fix the cold pipes over in #5. Really? Really? Today? Really? Yes. Really. In a show of solidarity, I bundle up and join him outside again. I go to the bathroom before we leave, I don;t want my pee to freeze in me. Gross, but I have to think of these things……Else? What? Who wants to learn what might otherwise happen. Not me. I pee.

Today we did get the Dakota out, but did not get the cold pipes warmed. We have scheduled that for Wednesday when it should be a balmy 16 ABOVE zero. For now I just laugh and wait until tomorrow when I can be more productive, only -6 predicted. Yes,we can get lots more done tomorrow.

PS: I have been playing around with a special where you pay the temperature. Haven’t figured it out yet, but it intrigues me. Today I would have paid you $13 to stay here? I must remain at the drawing board for this one, I haven’t got it quite nailed down yet.

Specials that REALLY are!

Cozy any season!

That up north pine look is cozy any season

We run specials at Cedaroma Lodge every time we think of a new one. Sometimes the motivation comes from a guest, like today’s new special: Crab Apples and Crappies. You can click to it, it’s a lovely special!  Varying discounts based on length of stay from 5-20% off our single night rates for the month of May. And you can reserve motors or rent boats for half or more off with a 4 night or longer stay. I know that some of our annual guests are not snow lovers and they are dreaming of a warmer time and the colors of new blossoms. This one’s for them!

We have so many specials, we can’t get them all on the internet without confusing our internet vacationers. One of my favorites is the “Make Me an Offer” special, but I had to take it down today, there are just too many. But, know that if you know about MMAO, I will listen to your pitch, the opportunity isn’t gone, just the marketing of it.

Oh, yes, then we come to our winter offers, neat. I thought we hit a home run with the weather guarantee. Our traveling snow lovers did not. Well, we learned that lesson. You want the weather guarantee WITH discounts. We did it with our standard pricing and discounted to those who didn’t want the weather guarantee. (Weddings & Funerals, Anniveraries & Reunions, Event Travel… they have to come in spite of the weather) Okay, that one won’t get replayed next year.

So, look at the two we are getting business with, the 15% discount and the $33pp mid week package. Good stuff both. We like them and so do our guests. You can see a comparison of the winter specials online, scroll down the page:

On the more unique, specialty side of the special equation is our program for groups in the offseason with rates over 50% discounted. While you can’t go wrong with this one. t/here is only a small number of people for whom this one would appeal. Maybe that’s you?

The 8 day week is another good one. Take your vacation at Memorial and Labor Days and we will GIVE you that 8th day. How cool is that! It is so simple. Book your week, take the extra day on us.

Well that summarizes our current published specials. If you have one you would like to see us run, Pitch Me!

What’s next

Blossoming Up North

I feel like a spring blossom

Now in Wisconsin 15 months, I have just this year started going to things. Hard to believe, as involved as I was in California how long it has taken me to start jumping back into it. I think it was the shock of the unexpected change. I still needed that year to acclimatize to the concept of the move. Especially important since it was really nowhere in my vision of the future. Well, now that I am convinced that I am here, and Victor too, though I think is relationship to Wisconsin has been much quicker because he got a job outside of the home and actually sees people every day! New fresh faces to interact with.

You remember I did get out to the weekly Bingo this last summer and loved it, but there hasn’t been much since. I have gone to the Vilas County Tourism Commission meetings 3 of the last 4 months and plan to continue that. But while somewhat informative, these meetings are not mentally stimulating. This month, though, I have hit the region hard. Lunch & Learn is a 9 week program every other Wednesday and I went to the first one and found some mind stimulating discussion! Yippee! And plan to attend next week Wednesday also.

Well that just led to me looking for more thinkers to interact with! I went to a class on Tuesday in Rhinelander at Nicolet Tech, time management. Guess what, again stimulating… but all information that has crossed my path before…. AND it still isn’t old. I just need to get back into better time habits. So easy to put things off when there are no real deadlines.

Oh, and then what? Another class on Wednesday night, a business consultation on Thursday and I am enrolling in a 12 week program that starts next Thursday and runs through April. I feel like a budding flower and just needed the calendar to turn over to 2014 to get started. OH, look out Up North, I have woken up! LOL

Well, that’s what I am up to, what about you?

Epiphany or should I say Icepiphany?

Roof Raking in Action

This is how it’s done though I recommend a RED jacket if we have to find you under the snow

Nice word. I always kind of wondered if I would have one or not. Today I did.

I was roof raking, again pondering the sanity of it. Not quite getting why I am pulling the snow off the roof that isn’t causing the problem, its the snow above that is melting and refreezing. Then it suddenly hits me like a baseball bat upside the head… Duh. All the snow over the eaves is what turns into the block of ice that the snow above, when melted can’t get around and so heads up the roof, following the path of least resistance, up the shingles and into the house!

IciclesGet it? It took me a whole winter to figure this out and many roof shovelings too. Now that I get it, I shall be ever so much more vigilant, though perhaps too late for this year? I hope not!

10 survival tips for the coldest day of your life

Coldest Day Survival Tips

Coldest day survival tips

Have you ever known ahead of time that a certain day was going to be the  _______  of your life? Fill in the blank with: worst, longest, happiest….? Well I knew going into today that it was going to be the coldest day of my life, and I have indeed had some very cold days, living in UP NORTH, Wisconsin as I do.

How does one prepare for the coldest day, when even the days leading up to that one date are cold in themselves? Do you just wing a monumental day such as this, Coldest one?

Well, I can tell you I did a little preparation:

1. Check your calendar. If you have an appointment in the “Big City” of say, Wausau, (an hour and a half away) reschedule it! Especially since the roads one travels to get there are not overly busy and if there is a problem, you only have minutes in the elements to handle it before your brain freezes over.

2. Fill your car with gas. This serves two purposes. First, if you have a problem on the road a full tank of gas can keep that heater going a very long time. Ideally, long enough for help to arrive. Secondly, if you are low on gas and there is even a little water in the tank, that water can freeze and cause problems. If your tank is full the problems are greatly reduced.

3. If your husband invites you to go shopping because all the stores will be empty of shoppers, decline.

4. If it has recently snowed, shovel BEFORE the coldest day gets here. If you have a pumphouse or other such that must be clear if there is a problem, shovel it, chip the ice out, clear it. You do not want to have to do this job on the coldest day of your life if you do have to get into the pump house to turn off the water main if you have a pipe burst. And just when do you think they are most likely to do this bursting? Why on the coldest day of the year, of course!

5. Start your car every once in a while. Let it run a bit. Sure you will use a little gas, but you will also know that it can still start when you need it to.

6. Teach your dog where to go potty. Go with him for a few weeks, monitor him closely. Show him pee/poo areas so he has complete confidence that he can handle the task without your guidance on the big day.

7. Things you schedule for certain days can be done earlier, or later. I suggest earlier so you don’t have them nagging on you and you can just enjoy the coldest day o the year knowing the trash is already out or whatever the task is you do on that day of the week, pick up the mail, wash the car, windex the doors, rake the roof… do it all early.

8. Call your mom. It’s probably the coldest day of her life too and she will be worried about you.

9. Stay inside, this is a perfect day to start planning your next holiday… Think warm locations!

10. Take a nap. It seems so naughty other times of the year, but a home stay on the coldest day of the year just screams nap!

Above all else stay warm!

Enjoy, only two more days just like this one! Cold. One more thing to note…. It might look beautiful out there, sunshining and all. But beware…. Hold tight, stay in and warm!

Everything you wanted to know about Shoveling

Shoveling snow

Red Jacketed Snow Shoveler, but not me.

I am a shoveler. Yes, Yes I am. While Victor is perfectly comfortable blowing snow from the warmth of the cab of his John Deere tractor, I, being the more earthy of the two of us, get a real warming out of buttoning up in my warmest red outer gear and grabbing the closest shovel to toss off a few inches of the white stuff blanketing our porches and walkways. To tread where no tractor dares!

This being my second year as chief shoveler, I have learned a few tricks of the trade I would like to share with you.

1. Don’t shovel into the wind. This is a lesson I should not have had to learn twice.. Okay. Got it? I thought I did too, but this afternoon my shovel full of snow was picked up and blown directly into my down-wind, upward-posed face as I watched my toss hurl back on me. Let me save you the bitter cold shock of making this mistake.

2. It is a good idea to be ambidextrous with your shoveling so as to not bulk up on one side and hobble around like Igor from Frankenstein.

3. Do not walk where you are planning to next shovel. Your weight will make a crushed patch of snow that won’t shovel up. Shovel first, then walk.

4. Sometimes a shovel is not the best tool for shoveling. Sometimes a simple broom and a sweep can get the job done. We have had the lightest airiest snow this season, very conducive to sweeping. Also, if you are looking to power tool the task, if it is light and blowing you can you the leaf blower. This does make the job somewhat more interesting, but definitely not quicker, not really slower either. No edge on timing.

5. Get your homecoming prepared before you leave. Simmer water for tea. Turn the fireplace on. Make it so you are in an position of instantly warming up upon return from the frozen tundra we  know as outside.

6. I can’t really afford the warmest jackets hot of the rack of our local clothing store…. But I can afford the warmest jacket from our local thrift shop and have one that I love to use for my shoveling days. It’s bright red so I won’t get lost in the snow and it has a hood. VERY important. No scarf or layers of scarves will ever replace a good hood. But you can add a scarf to a good hood.

7. Enjoy the free health club benefits of the snow removal ritual. You are working every muscle, especially if you follow tip #2. You can even shovel when you don’t have to if you want to keep the exercise ruse up without anyone the wiser.

8. Do not replace the newly lost calories with sweets and hot drinks like cocoa. Go straight to shots for the quickest warm-up.

That completes about as senseless a post as any. Although these are  good tips, most folks I know aren’t bound to a snow zone quite like we have gotten ourselves into. Laugh with me, Okay? I am really still laughing.

My sister was right

Cabin 7, lake views, 3 bedroom, 2 bath.

It’s the biggest lakefront cabin with a super view!

But she will never know that I said that. She doesn’t follow my posts, blog, facebook or other, so I am fairly confident that I am safe in saying that.

As sisters go, Annie is pretty cool. Perfectly opposite me. If you have met her you would recognize it immediately. Well, Annie has been telling me to stop sleeping around. Pick a cabin and stay there. Take the big house. Enjoy #7. Manage from #3. Spread out in #5… Live in whichever one I like best, but stop moving around. She said my life will be more balanced when I have a place to call home. blah blah blah.

And she was right. Here I am back in #7 and I just love it. Victor does too.  He won’t admit it, but he does. Even the dog with a dozen names likes it better and is exhausted from all the play space here.

Now, I know this is a public blog, so I don’t want my Cabin #7 guests to worry, your reservations are confirmed and solid. We will move out again when the time comes, tickled to see you all again! But for now, it is soooo much better being here than in our little place up at the front—which is perfect for the summer when we spend all of our time outside… But for now, with this cold, it is lovely being in a full sized house type space… WITH LAUNDRY! Thank you Annie for the encouragement. I plan to continue moving around, as the season requires, but I will always make #7 my Not-Summer home.

Maybe we will build a real home of our own on one of the lots above the resort. That might be fun to actually have a space I don’t move into and out of twice a year. It will be small though, I don’t much like to dust.

Football, Trim & Housekeeping

Cabin 2

Cabin 2 from the outside, that pull out space is the bath we are residing

Today was a perfect example of the way I expect my days to go. While each is going to be different, today seemed to have a blend of everything.

We did not get up early, it being New Year’s Day and all, but we did get active pretty quick once up and coffeed. I started with responding to emails and pricing out a few cabins, took a call on a left behind Jacket, and opened a cabin for today’s check-in.

Pretzel and I enjoyed a great dog walk twice around the cabin loop and back to the main house in our -5 degreed morning and then met our departing guest to close out their bill. I learned how to use the credit card app on the new cellphone today and did it successfully! TWICE!

Then I headed down to start on housekeeping, but not before stopping in to see Victor in Cabin 2 where he has removed the fixtures and walls to rebuild them with the traditional pine car-siding that we have been using in our improvements. He is down to the final trim pieces. Then we install the toilet, a new sink/vanity/faucet & mirror and towel racks. Victor also fixed a pet pieve of his where the light switch should be at the entrance to the bathroom rather than across the room. We can’t wait to see what our Cabin 2 returning guests have to say.

I move next door to get started on my cabin cleaning with the TV on so I can yell at the news when appropriate. We head back to the front and have a great lunch. After lunch we head to the Den to watch the final quarter of the Badger Capital 1 Bowl Game, which we lost, but we did enjoy the turnover excitement of the last few minutes of the game. It was a non-beer day for me.  (I am Celebrating dry January again this year with 100 near strangers in a Facebook Group!) We are now back at Cedaroma where I am knocking out some month/year end work on the computer while Victor catches up on some of his beauty rest that he loses when working his odd-hour shifts.

In between all that I spent some time with the puppy working on listening skills, a little healing and some name recognition. Seems he doesn’t much like the name Pretzel. He rarely responds to it. We are thinking of giving him a new name and hyphenating it. A name he will respond to. Andy, Vince and Clark are forerunners in the naming process. I don’t get how parents can name their kids at birth without knowing their personalities. I am thankful that I didn’t have to struggle with that challenge.

That’s it for today’s fun….. Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.