Joy arrives in the smallest of details

Blossoming Up North

I feel like a spring blossom. This is cabin 8 at the front of the property, near Highway 70 and my fabulously blooming Crab Apple tree.

Did you know that the difference between 10 below zero and 25 above zero is less than a 1/2 inch on our window thermometer. Right now that is one of the most important 1/2 inches in my life. I want many of them stacked up in the direction of 83 degrees F.

Such a small detail and it makes my day so much brighter. It helps to that the sun is also shining brightly and the wind wisping instead of screaming. I love that I can see the ground. Not the snow/ice covered ground, but there are a few inches in the parking area that have melted away and blazing brightly for all to see… our orangish crushed granite ground. Yippee.It shouldn’t be long now before spring is upon us and my crabapple tree in full blossum. Dang that is stunning!

I hope the details are in your favor this weekend. But if they aren’t and sitting inside is the prescribe course for getting through some icky weather, why not take a few minutes of yoru random search time and look at the website. There are a few new things up and if you are looking for immediate new news, go check out our facebook page,

I for one am ready to see the winter leave our lake front!

What’s next

Blossoming Up North

I feel like a spring blossom

Now in Wisconsin 15 months, I have just this year started going to things. Hard to believe, as involved as I was in California how long it has taken me to start jumping back into it. I think it was the shock of the unexpected change. I still needed that year to acclimatize to the concept of the move. Especially important since it was really nowhere in my vision of the future. Well, now that I am convinced that I am here, and Victor too, though I think is relationship to Wisconsin has been much quicker because he got a job outside of the home and actually sees people every day! New fresh faces to interact with.

You remember I did get out to the weekly Bingo this last summer and loved it, but there hasn’t been much since. I have gone to the Vilas County Tourism Commission meetings 3 of the last 4 months and plan to continue that. But while somewhat informative, these meetings are not mentally stimulating. This month, though, I have hit the region hard. Lunch & Learn is a 9 week program every other Wednesday and I went to the first one and found some mind stimulating discussion! Yippee! And plan to attend next week Wednesday also.

Well that just led to me looking for more thinkers to interact with! I went to a class on Tuesday in Rhinelander at Nicolet Tech, time management. Guess what, again stimulating… but all information that has crossed my path before…. AND it still isn’t old. I just need to get back into better time habits. So easy to put things off when there are no real deadlines.

Oh, and then what? Another class on Wednesday night, a business consultation on Thursday and I am enrolling in a 12 week program that starts next Thursday and runs through April. I feel like a budding flower and just needed the calendar to turn over to 2014 to get started. OH, look out Up North, I have woken up! LOL

Well, that’s what I am up to, what about you?